How Can Thermal Energy Storage Innovations Contribute to UK’s Renewable Energy Goals?

The United Kingdom, like many countries around the world, has a steadfast focus on accelerating the transition to renewable energy. The UK government has set ambitious goals for renewable energy, aiming for at least 80% of the nation’s power to come from renewable sources by 2050. But there’s a challenge: renewable energy, especially wind and solar, is intermittent, and we need a way to store that energy for use when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. This is where energy storage technologies come into play, and among them, thermal energy storage is emerging as a leading solution.

The Potential of Thermal Energy Storage

Solar and wind power are intermittent sources of electricity. When the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, these renewable sources can generate an abundance of power. However, during periods of cloud cover, calm winds, or at night, power generation can significantly drop. This creates a need for a storage system that can store excess energy during peak production times and release it during periods of low production.

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Enter thermal energy storage. It’s a technology that stores energy in the form of heat or cold for later use. It can balance the supply and demand of electricity, improve the efficiency of energy systems, and reduce the cost of operation and maintenance. With the capacity to store large amounts of energy, thermal storage can play a crucial role in enabling the UK to meet its renewable energy targets.

Advancements in Thermal Energy Storage Technologies

Thermal energy storage technologies have been around for decades, but recent advancements have improved their efficiency and affordability. These technologies work by absorbing or releasing heat to either store or produce energy. They can store excess energy from renewable sources when supply exceeds demand and release it when demand exceeds supply.

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One notable innovation is the use of molten salt in concentrating solar power (CSP) projects. In this setup, mirrors focus sunlight onto a receiver that contains molten salt. The heat turns the salt into a hot liquid, which can be stored in tanks for later use. When electricity is needed, the hot salt is used to produce steam that turns a turbine, generating electricity.

Another innovative technology under development is thermochemical storage, which uses chemical reactions to store and release energy. This method has the potential to store energy for long periods without significant losses, making it an attractive option for large-scale energy storage.

Funding and Support for Thermal Energy Storage Projects

The UK government recognises the vital role of energy storage in achieving its renewable energy goals. As such, it has committed substantial funding and support for research, development, and deployment of energy storage technologies, including thermal energy storage.

Several high-profile projects are currently underway in the UK, demonstrating the capabilities of thermal energy storage. For instance, the STORE&GO project, funded by the European Commission, is exploring the use of power-to-gas technology to convert excess electricity from renewable sources into hydrogen, which can be stored and later used to generate electricity.

Thermal Energy Storage and the Grid

For the UK to achieve its renewable goals, the national power grid must be able to integrate a high percentage of renewable energy. This requires a grid that is resilient, flexible, and capable of accommodating the intermittent nature of renewable sources.

Thermal energy storage can contribute significantly to these needs. By storing excess energy and releasing it when needed, thermal storage can help to stabilise the grid, balance supply and demand, and reduce the need for backup fossil fuel power plants.

Moreover, thermal energy storage systems can be located close to the point of use, reducing transmission and distribution losses and enhancing the overall efficiency of the energy system.


In summary, thermal energy storage innovations hold great promise for helping the UK achieve its renewable energy goals. With continued investment in research and development, as well as support for deployment of these technologies, the UK can leverage thermal energy storage to overcome the challenges of renewable energy intermittency, improve grid stability and efficiency, and move closer to a sustainable, clean energy future.

The Role of Thermal Batteries and Green Hydrogen in Energy Storage

Thermal batteries are an essential player in thermal energy storage, and green hydrogen is emerging as a promising avenue for storing renewable energy. Both technologies are integral in the pursuit of achieving the UK’s renewable energy goals.

Thermal batteries work on the principle of phase change materials that absorb and release thermal energy. They can store excess electricity as thermal energy during periods of high energy production. The stored energy is later converted back into electricity when the demand is high. Thermal batteries have the advantage of offering high energy capacity and the ability to deliver power for extended periods. This makes them suitable for large scale energy storage applications.

Green hydrogen, on the other hand, offers another sustainable solution for energy storage. This technology involves the conversion of excess electricity from renewable sources into green hydrogen through electrolysis. The produced hydrogen can be readily stored and later reconverted to electricity when needed. Moreover, green hydrogen can serve as a clean energy carrier in sectors difficult to decarbonise, such as heavy transport and industry, further contributing to the UK’s low carbon future.

With ongoing research and development, thermal batteries and green hydrogen technologies are continually improving in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Both technologies are set to play a crucial role in the UK’s energy system, capable of addressing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources.

The Future of Thermal Energy Storage in the UK’s Renewable Energy Landscape

As the UK strives to meet its ambitious renewable energy targets, thermal energy storage innovations will receive increasing attention. These storage technologies not only address the fluctuation of renewable energy production but also contribute to enhancing energy system resilience and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Looking ahead, the large-scale deployment of thermal energy storage, including thermal batteries and green hydrogen, will be pivotal in the transition to a sustainable energy system. Continued investments in these technologies will speed up their development and integration into the national grid, thereby facilitating the broader adoption of renewable energy sources.

The UK government’s commitment to funding and supporting these innovative energy storage technologies underscores their strategic importance in the country’s future energy landscape. The continued progress in thermal energy storage technologies promises a future where solar power and wind energy can reliably power the UK, night or day, windy or calm.


As the UK moves towards a low carbon, clean energy future, thermal energy storage technologies are set to play a pivotal role. Innovations like thermal batteries and green hydrogen offer practical, scalable solutions to the challenge of storing renewable energy for when it is needed. With ongoing support and investment, these technologies will continue to evolve, contributing significantly to the UK’s aim of achieving 80% of its power from renewable sources by 2050. Undoubtedly, thermal energy storage stands as a beacon of promise in the pursuit of sustainable, reliable, and efficient energy systems.

